Seal-ed with a Koki (and Matsujun)

by mo on 06/2/2009

Today something amazing came in the mail from California. What as it? Why, it was Tanaka Koki (from KAT-TUN, one of the most important (?) modern day Japanese boy bands).


For those of you who don’t necessarily recognize him, he looks something like this:
Tanaka Koki

He was accompanied by a matching pillow, which was none other than the practice-your-kanji seal!


If you don’t recognize the seal, well, he sometimes creeps up on kanji-practice notebooks:

The legend goes as follows: Tanaka Koki, being one of the less-pretty KAT-TUN members, sometimes gets angry. Angry enough to slay seals. But listen up, Japanese students, only *you* can prevent seal extinction, by practicing your kanji! Learn it!

Thanks to Hannah for this and many more inappropriate/hilarious pictures of Japanese celebrities. It was all sealed with a Matsujun (if you don’t know who he is, read the previous post.)