Välkommen to IKEAland

by mo on 01/13/2011

As you may know, I did manage to arrive in Sweden on Tuesday! I have many things to say about my new home, but we’ll get to Dumle, Swedish clubbing, and getting lost in downtown later.

First, my room. I was told I’d be on a corridor with a shared kitchen and bathroom. But surprise! I actually get my own bathroom. The kitchen is shared among roughly 10 people in the corridor, and I’ve met 3 of them so far – a Canadian, a Chilean, an a Swede.

Big, empty room that is surprisingly well lit.

From the other side:

What should I do with all this shelf space? Amount of room in luggage << amount of room in room. P1000170

Obligatory toilet shot:

Blanket they sold exchange students on arrival day. IKEA, of course.

See the rest of the set here

I don’t have internet in my room yet (I guess I should work on that) because I suspect the ethernet cable that was left to me in my room doesn’t work (either that or the connection is just broken, or my computer is broken). Aside from not sharing a bathroom, my living place has two other major perks:
– A grocery store is physically attached to it. This means I can buy a warm croissant / other pastry for breakfast on my way out.
– A pizza place/cafe is next to the grocery store.
Also, eating out (at least at the places I’ve gone so far) is not nearly as expensive as people claimed. Around the equivalent of $6 for lunch in various cafes around campus, and paid $10 for a pizza yesterday at the pizza cafe, but shared between two people.

Now, to address the other questions you are surely asking:

How cold is it outside?
Every day so far it’s been exactly freezing, rising slightly over freezing during the day (the snow on the ground gets a bit slushier). There is also zero wind, so walking around for hours outside is completely fine.

How dark is it?
Very. It gets dark around the same time as home (between 4 and 5 PM), but mornings are very different. It starts getting light around 8:30 or so, but gets light so incredibly slowly that it doesn’t really get fully bright out until 11:00. At noon, the sun is only up about a quarter of the way in the sky. Along with jet lag, this means I never have any idea what time it is. But since I don’t REALLY have anything to do yet, does it matter what time it is?