back to the midwest

by mo on 08/10/2008

I have been back in the midwest for just under 24 hours, and so far it has been a good mix of being sad about leaving Colorado friends+mountains, and excitement about being back here to see corn+campus+family+friends…

Last night, we went downtown, since we heard The Headlights were playing at 11. Sure enough, there they were, but a couple band members short of when I saw them opening for the Islands a few months ago. Gotta love local music… and random people drinking downtown. Except of course, in true small-town spirit, the people there were actually NOT random, and I ran into several people I knew (high school people, university people that looked familiar…)

Crowd of chill-outers.

We’re gonna see the Headlights again later this fall at Pygmalion. I’m excited.

This concert was apparently the last of a series of concerts that Noam was unaware of… afterwards we went to the downtown Cupcake bar and chilled out and had tea and a cupcake. Then broke temporarily for sleep. Today has been just a summery conglomeration of food, sitting on the quad, buying the skinny jeans I never found in Colorado Springs, biking, swimming, and a movie. Too bad I have to fit this all in one day before Noam goes on vacation.

Biking here… also ridiculous. We kept going somewhere and then realizing we were almost there. No more 50 minute bike rides to get downtown… and no giant hill to go up when I come home.