貧乏-chic furniture

by mo on 02/3/2008

So Audrey Hepburn’s couch in Breakfast At Tiffany’s is pretty great (view here) simply because it seems to be constructed out of a bathtub. I am, however, a little skeptical about the comfort of such a couch.

And then yesterday, I was watching 貧乏男子(Binbou Danshi), one of this season’s most important dramas, in which Oguri Shun plays an overenthusiastic and friendly college student who has fallen into huge debts (the polar opposite of his usual roles: calm, cool, collected rich guys). In in a scene in the second episode, he is eating with his neighbor, played by Miura Haruma (who I will only ever be able to see as the insecure boyfriend who managed to impregnate Shida Mirai last fall in 14才の母)… but anyway, I noticed that Oguri Shun seems to have this really great table in his place, made out of a skateboard:

I’m not sure it’s completely true that poor people just substitute random items like bathtubs and skateboards in place of furniture… but I pretty much want that table anyway.